Unlikely Champion

Unlikely Champion

Unlikely Champion, by Sarah Baker

In 2024, the unlikeliest of champions emerged from the dense forests of indie filmmaking. We Found Bigfoot, a low-budget production helmed by indie producer Tom Monson, defied all odds and became a cultural phenomenon, not by dominating theaters, but by winning hearts where it mattered most—streaming platforms.

An unlikely champion, with a modest budget and no Hollywood connections, Monson crafted a story that was equal parts hilarious, heartfelt, and refreshingly simple. The plot followed a once-great filmmaker, Rock Thomson, and a group of explorers on a quest to prove the existence of Bigfoot, blending comedy, camaraderie, and just enough mystery to keep viewers interested. The movie didn’t rely on flashy effects or big-name stars—it thrived on charm, wit, and a deep understanding of what makes a story memorable.

Instead of trying to compete in theaters, Monson took a different approach. He released the movie directly on several streaming platforms like Amazon, TUBI, and Fandango where audiences found it like a hidden gem. What happened next was nothing short of remarkable. Fans began sharing their love for the film, calling it their “new favorite movie” and giving it glowing four-star reviews. Social media lit up with memes, quotes, and fan theories, spreading the film’s fame far beyond Monson’s wildest expectations.

What set We Found Bigfoot apart from Hollywood’s big-budget blockbusters was its authenticity. In an era dominated by sequels and CGI-heavy spectacles, this indie production felt like a much-needed breath of fresh air. It reminded viewers of the joy of storytelling—simple, human, and relatable. Fans weren’t just entertained; they were connected, and that connection turned the film into a grassroots success.

Tom Monson proved that a good story doesn’t need a massive budget or a red-carpet premiere to make an impact. We Found Bigfoot may never have graced the silver screen, but it carved out its own space in the hearts of audiences everywhere. In 2024, this little indie film achieved something Hollywood’s giants couldn’t—it became a fan favorite simply by being itself.

Unlikely Champion is a movie you are going to watch over and over. Want to know why? Every time you do, you will feel good.

Watch it for Free on Amazon

Watch it for Free on ROKU

Watch it for Free on XUMOPLAY

Watch it for Free on TUBI

Rent, Buy, or Watch it for Free on Fandango


Sarah Baker is a staff writer for several websites.